Tuesday, June 26, 2007


This summer I've been working for a clothing company that is just starting up. It's called Sprout and they make baby and children's clothing from bamboo and organic cotton. Bamboo is an amazing fabric! It's so soft, I love it. Here's one of the little graphics I designed for the clothes, which come from California. To see more, including the website I did go to http://www.sproutkidsclothing.com/

Friday, June 8, 2007


This was for a final project, it's a start of many. Olio is my first Softbot. The lower image is the tag on him. He's made of several different matterials including felt, jersey, polyester and cotton. I did the tag in illustrator. I have another one in the works that will be done soon.

Spirited Monet

This was an oil painting done for life drawing. It's a visual collage, and a tribute to a Monet.

Oil on Canvas. 18" x 24"
All images copyright Kelsey Pettit. All rights reserved.