Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Getting to know me

As I work towards getting a website up and running, I was repeated urged by friends to get a blog going. I didn't go for the idea right away. I don't like that word: blog. It doesn't have a very nice ring to it like some words: echelon, kerfuffle and flabbergasted. But eventually I was convinced and here I am. I will gradually be posting newer stuff and I hope having a blog will encourage and motivate me to actually DO things. However, for starters here's some older work, all self-portraits from 2005-2006. I see it as a good first post to get to know me.
The media are as follows:
  1. Oil on masonite (april 2006)
  2. Nupastel on coloured paper (Dec 2005)
  3. Coloured inks/watercolours on watercolour paper (April 2006)

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All images copyright Kelsey Pettit. All rights reserved.